Microblading - Before Your Appointment
We want you to have the best Microblade brow results possible. Please follow these instructions when preparing for the day of your appointment.
60 Days to One Week Before:
If you tint your brows, tint at least one week in advance.
No tanning (bed or sun) for 30 days prior to your procedure.
You must not use Retin-A anywhere near the tattooed area 2 weeks before.
Stop using any skin thinners (vitamin A, acids, exfoliation) on or around the brow area 2 weeks before your appointment.
No chemical peels 60 days before your microblade treatment
Botox or fillers should be done 2 weeks in advance of your appointment.
Three Days Before to the Day of:
You cannot take any medications that may thin your blood (i.e. aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oil, Vitamin E) three days before your procedure.
Do not drink alcohol the night before or the day of your appointment.
Avoid caffeine the day of your appointment.
Do not work out the day of your appointment.
If you have any questions about these instructions, please call or text 614-228-2991.